Hallo (: I'm a composer, music performer and music teacher....

...have a look around, and if you want to get in touch and talk about, well, anything...

Below is a blog I was doing for about two years.





9 okt 2018

um, well yes: you see

all governments are ouroboric in nature.

thats obvious.

the tax payer gives cash to the Glyphjen and the 

Glyphjen gives it to me to look after Razorkney's


and the Glyphenthol  plays games, by choosing, 

somehow, whatver company it feels like,

whenever it feels like, for whatever reason.


which means if you work for one company, 

your work can dissa


so the point is...holons. thats

what we need to talk about here.

koestler...ive written about all this before,

i need to dig in the hard drive and drive out

digged upped informationed. 


the blog below this on the 7th: well, you become

paranoid in my line of work. you know evil is

out there, and you do meet it. its everywhere, of course.

i mean greed. it bores me, at the very leastat the very worst, well it obviously just kills tons of pepole. its just the gigantic predictable boredom of the entire thing, like an extended                                                                                                                                                                                                   sentence hung out to dry as it just sort of wanders away from the point and the paragraph and the syntax and golb is blog backwards. 









28 sept 2018

berphil lunchtime konzert 25sept2018 was Duo Jazzical Class, peter and zilvinas


i got rhythm, armondo's rhumba, comedian harmonists, scaramouche with piano and klarinette, 

something by peter fleckenstein called wartesaal, it was excellent, rollins st thomas, hildegard knef eins uns eins

everything arranged by them except milhaud




25 sept 2018



бир cheapann заказ Кандайдыр siad О DEVCO менен барабыз? бир cheapann заказ Гур, компакт-коштосун бир chaitheamh Amach Agus tabhairt AIRE Duinn бир stopadh аг?

dtiocfaidh муундун аг Бейл díreach кийин заказ cheapann bhaile үчүн?

кучактагым Mihl Айт бир raibh anuck заказ Ар мо Берлин fre.i

lá па? tógáil Пинар aerfoirt Ар Talamh coisithe ле Чендер.

Кантип заказ кылуу ógánach, scéir?

ооба sepd: заказ аг адилет Ар SEO, AG ар rianú Line?

gxgookassetik AG obair мен, bhfolach

AG паранойялык laghdú?

бир cheapann заказ Гур, компакт-коштосун бир stopadh көй үчүн?

Балун PDSD боюнча Айба Agus

Tá mé cinnte go mbeidh erkel uafásach,

hug: ndrea, nó cé hé anck tú:

Glaoim ar láimhseáil leanaí é

ck off, lbaf: cheapann tú go bhfuil a fhios agam nach bhfuil tú ag fabhrú seo?

Táim cinnte go bhfuil S ag gáire i do pháisteach,

acc rcist


ní bheidh tú a thuiscint cé mí raibhking smaoineamh mar sin: toisc go bhfuil smaoineamh ar pheaca, ceart?

cked tú leis an duine mícheart. Cuma liom. Feiceann tú,

LF, nuair a scriosann tú d'ábhair pholaitiúla,

iad a scriosadh ar ais go seanbhean,

smaoineamh ort nach féidir liom a fheiceáil cad atá á dhéanamh agat?

ciníoch, a.ffd, maniplóirí:

hug Müller: yo

cén áit a raibh tú, an raibh tú tinn ar an lá sin?

Síniú faoina?

Ayba agus an Balún Dearg

Büch Reinickendorf: Tá an pheaca críochnaithe. Tógann tú

smacht daoine, agus iad a aistriú isteach i gcríost na háite,

faoi stuama, ag fanacht air, "cúram"


Bainfidh mé taitneamh as an draenáil fola ó d'aghaidh mar a léann tú an bhlag seo

Fu amach. Níl aon leabhal sa scríbhneoireacht seo. Cosnaim an lag, ach cas tú

iad isteach in uirlisí creidimh nó polaitiúla le haghaidh do chlár oibre díograiseach féin.

Súile na München, Súile Beirlín ag smaoineamh:

"a chunt sin, Simon Ganly arís, ba mhaith liom ach go mbeadh sé k as"

Ní féidir liomk as. Ní dhéanfaidh tú ach, tar éis é seo a léamh.

A chara M,

agus ná lig ort nach dtuigeann tú é seo. Bhí ceithre bliana de do cheithre bliana agam





22 sept 2018

conas a ta tu in "hey ho"you 

conas a ta tu

conas a ta tu

conas a ta tu conas a

conas a ta tu conas a 

ta tu

conas a ta ta tu

conas a ta 


lets try that again:


co  nas


co nas a ta tu


co  nas a ta tu 

conasata tu


conas a ta tu conas a

conas a ta tu- conas a


So thats the first part:

german english translated docs are really interesting cultural observances


so...I have a plan for Frie. 

1. j.wa    a.i....l's.....mm.....amerk....goeti....duwet...social media....

2. next proposal for lf 

concept: vertauen, budget limitless, staff whoever chooses to work

Federal office for migration and refugees

everyone is free to choose their own religion and practice it

3. all people are equal before the law

free choice of occupation (I choose this work, I hope you do too)

"everyone has to obey the law".....BUT ALL PEOPLE HAVE EQUAL RIGHTS BEFORE THE LAW

4. Bach knew his enemy's face,

the enemy is trying to hide through lies

Ios knows to keep our place

exposing the knotted ties

5. not true ayb. has more rights

6. 100 peoplesi divids collective mind equal goal achieved 

7. cott hand letters emails/ oberhafen telephonefax/friedena

8 nuremberg

9. cpuspdbündnisfdp







20 sept 2018


so with tunelearning it was great last night, 

we did 2 hebrew jewish songs,


So next wednesday, I do the music in Irish:

here is the plan:


part 1

something by carolan, one melody


canon by...whats his or her name?

anything up to 8 parts, its in a minor key


no more walls no more wars...in the Irish language

part 4

bruder jakob Irish version, first minor slow, 

FINISH in some kind of tonic key, bruder jakob, tempo

presto etc.



13 sept 2018



listening to Brian Lumley, talking about writing...his

experiences in Berlin, Waiting, in wake of war...so writing...






below is me preparing irish words for next wednesday.

thanks Liam it is so kind you helped me with this.


All people, all the same

All people, should be free

No more walls, no more wars



Uile dhuine, uilig mar a gcéanna

Uile dhuine, ar cheart bheith saor

Gan Ballaí níos mó, gan cogaidh níos mó


The two languages don’t translate directly well-

here is a version!


Ille yine, ilig mar a keena

ille yine, ar ycart veih saor

Gan ballee nees moh, gan cugow nees moh



nice one Iam!!



12 sep 2018


slovak album update


waterfall 4 times same

mati, zamok, goblyn, ziara, mori, mag, polana, sukienka, outro journey( didli x4, dumda, nicethingx4, didlastime end)



1 sep 2018


conas a ta tu?

ta me go mhaith

beidh mé ag caint go luath

ding dang dong







23 august 2018



someone put up a post on facebook about the thricing wildlife in cheronoby. (R. turner put the post up)

this is my knee jerk response, which I am about to delete before posting:




"one of the greatest perpetuated myths is that nuclear energy is bad....99percent of the argument is that green energy is better. the sun is nuclear energy. in other words, most green energy is, by default, nuclear...just far away nuclearism.....its just that peoples education begins and ends with a three eyed fish at the beginning of the simpsons. then the other argument is hiroshima is bad. well duh, it was bad. but nothing compared to the accepted, pathetic, socially conditioned, zombie.. wiping out 1.2 million people a year in cars (etc etc etc)....there are problems with localised (earth built) nuclear energy: but the problems are infintessimally small compared to the current systems. etc etc. a third eye is actually pretty useful. cyclobs, diclobs, triclobs etc ..thats my knee jerk opinion anyway right now. "



19 juli 2018


its about structuring time at the moment: there really is a lot of music.


So: new stuff for the guitar group to learn, including something by bocherrini

also doing the entire slovak album again, I am really excited about this.

next gig for sin ev (ngo I work for ) in late august...better get it together for this....the

last one was comedy gold. About 15 kids got on the stage and it was actually dangerous...

I believe financial damage also? i say "comedy gold" with an almost impossible to describe

sense of irony



24 june 2018


was at Craw festival...festival for Irish people in Berlin. I am really glad i went: I was there a few hours but a lot happened in that time.


Arrived: traditional irish music being played, on harp, black flute, black violin, accordion, and another instrument, some kind of uileann pipes

or something, Baran, very distinct celtic music: its own brand, its own breed. Talked to the violin player, a german, from Hannover...he had

such a profound respect for irish music. nice guy, and seemed interested in the music I had on me: John Buckley's Sonata for Unaccompanied violin:

I had the score on me.


this is all in Neukolln, karl marx str 50 something. A conglomerate of ateliers-studios-spaces-stages...very ad hoc organic feel to everything.


there was a vast amount of Art. In a stairwell, write at the top, was a guy playing a japanese bamboo flute he had made. He mentioned

they were also used as weapons, of the club variety. It looked fairly heftly, and the sound was quite unique in terms of its own intonation and

tone. Name was Freddy. 




it rained at one point, which forced the trad session under roof, and the crowd too: more intimate and special.


I drank a simliar drink to guiness, a dark ale. the guy who served me was from belfast, and yabbered about the ridiculous laws surrounding drink 

in said city, and why he left for Berlin.




I saw another guy, from the north of ireland, from Letterkenny in Donegal, who was very very good: he played guitar and sang. at first I was skeptical, but

his speech intro to one of the songs was alarming: he had worked as an undertaker with his father and had been dealing with two deceased: one known, but 

the other so unknown they were told to leave the casket closed because nobody was going to look anyway. 


Eleanor Rigby indeed. This guy was very engaging and has real talent. 


There was an ad-hoc irish shop there, selling rowntree's sweets and barry/lyons tea and, of course Tayto, amongst other things.


Oh: and earler that day I had overheard at the S bahn station two girls, maybe in their 20's, speaking: they had Irish accents. 

I got talking and they were from blackrock, a suberb of dublin i am very familiar with, because i went to school there. 




they were very kind, but within a few minutes the subject had turned inevitably to irelands more liberal views on certain things (8 the amendment recently)

etc. And there was the slightest strain of thought as one of them pointed out she didnt think it neccessarily a good thing that ireland was becoming more






18 June 2018


My mum had a bizarre conversation with Michael Dervan, a music

critic in Ireland.


He actually told her there was no scherzo movement in a

Beethoven piece that she had actually played:

and he actually vehemently denied it was there.


He is fighting against himself: thats my only explanation.


this all happened at the axa insurance competition in 

dublin ireland 2018


more on this some other time.






24 mai 2018



got 2 free tickets to philharmonie building last tuesday, saw Ural symphony orchestra

doing shostakovich 10 and am too tired to write about this

i stared at conductor "weaving webs innumerable" thats emmerson





1 Mai


well its that special day again, where people break things.

left tor eins yesterday. thank cod


24 april




23 april 2018


1. d for dinasauria on guitar string-büch-islam-christian-fault line: neutrality is king-queen


2. insurance-work phone: they pay all my calls? what defines a call?

holidays, pensions, sick leave, rent, cost of living, cost of instruments, 

work hours 30 per week? if I leave at 2pm and begin work 3pm, do I get paid from 

2pm? in other words, is an apparently 6 hour work day an 8 hour work day in disguise?

i go to reinickendorf-büch continuation: can they pay me for this? im guessing they wont, 

but isnt it really an extension of their previous work? 

pay overtime? research, emails, calls, skype, computer?

where do i work? do i get desk, their computer? 

friedenau....12hrs.....oberhafen.....12hrs? 4 days a week?

25 euros/stunde? or 12 euros? please not minimum wage! did below that all my

life....guitar string breaks: who pays? 

where money coming from? european union? is EU, some of.


More Emphasis on natural instruments: clapping, humming, whistling, drumming, hitting,

dancing, percussion, giving access to all instruments. simplicity:

simple, che che koole choral music, sight singing reading: kodaly, suzuki, conducting,

stimmgable tuning fork, 


learnign german goethe institut when where intensiv dates times









19 april 2018


was at a great free gig


debussy string quartet..very well played and etc etc 

stockhausen wow! just bonkers stuff on guitar and flute (recorder) and accordion

chopin, two etudes, and grieg, hall mointain king played by a 7 year old "flawlessly" and brilliantly. jaw dropping stuff, even in this age of 

youtubing wundrkinder egg hokum


I'll find the programme notes soon and write more about this





16 april 2018


time is measurement: therefore, time in temperature, distance...etc


I have been thinkkng alot about this lately because time is down to perception on a personal level. I was spending a huge amount of time just organising myself

recently, and out of sheer frustration, typed in "what is time?" into youtube. it was a really interesting video, and it reminded me of 2 things: one is a book called 

"times arrow" by martin amis, and another is the newish book by Jeff Noon....called...."a man of shadows"....or something like that. I have read the former and not the latter, 

but dipped into the latter, and i need to get my hands on that book and absorb it. How long have i been typing this for? i dont know, and neither do you. Can you guess, and

how accurate would you be? how accutate would i be? 


"I read once that taking away watches and clocks from people and not allowing them to know the time will slowly drive them mad. After reading this book I can believe it."


the above boldtype is a quote from someone called Helen in her review of the jeff noon book.....I cant wait to read it now. You know, if I just had a liitle time (;




14 april 2018


I really am lucky. you know the way you turn on the news and its always the same:

"we are saviours of syria", in other words each government is wrongly convinced that through the use of violence it will fix the problem: its cant. the line of work i will be
in is actually dealing with the side effects of that kind of thinking, so to help peacefully is a real blessing for me. 
The US-France-UK triad is now dropping bombs all over Syria, because of "their use of chemical weapons".
Usfruk: the new acronym for rich mass murderers. Sponsored and engendered  by pretty much every media outlet you can concieve of. I'll guard you. 
No you wont.
They make me sick. Theresa May, Donald Trump, and that other bimbling dipshit, Emmanuel Macron. 
Bang, bang, bang....
When will it end? We have toys: lets use them!! Most of us grow out of this aggresive, disturbed behaviour at an early age. You play with your batman and
your darthvader trucks and your millenium falcons and your b.a. baracus vans....
and you stop them killing each other, at some point. 
But then you have USFRUK. USFRUCK, the undeveloped, viscerally abusive tantrum child, who smiles with glee every time another fucking firework goes off. The visual aesthetics pleases their agenda of control. On an on..

Lets wine and dine with Usfruck. Because didnt france occupy syria a while back? Yes...the daft child needs to do a little surgery every now again on its doll.


The doll is a mass of people in Syria dying, constantly, while the firepowers of two bored colonialists, Francis and Uniking, along with Ustrump, a bored lunatic, play with their self-righteous pudgy, rich fingers, smudging out life life life....




11 april 2018



so I got the job, on my birthday! interview was 2 hours. I start 2 mai


ideas so far:

1. building instruments

2. singing, clapping, humming, whistling, running, dancing, listening to actual music

as oppssed to the overdose of despacito trash out there.


etc etc etc


was in georgia (the country) for one week 


amazing. hollowed out buildings, soviet union dissolved into emptiness

and more emptiness, apparently Stalin was born in Georgia and 

used to dine in the spa we went to...had to blag our way sort of into 

that one...big big vast Empty Buildings, redundant, scary, faceless,

derelict, dereliction...one place beginning with T...what was it called...

incredible....we would happen upon a dereliction, a vast hollow 

governmental failure, with its greekish pillars....orntate vastness...

sometimes homeless live in them, you are approaching

territory, you are becoming voyeuer, annoying 

photopap, papparazzi....so respect their homes....


played piano in an entirely empty concert hall in

a mostly empty stately building, one could feel 

the weight of stalins failure, so profoundly...

ladas, many ladas, ladas...the inevitable 

residue of communism still effecting mentalities, mechanics...

the mechanics of...a system that dictates that 



it could never work. it failed. but

I love those ladas, with their charm, their alarming

windows letting you glimpse an emptiness 

as vapid as a lenin wave.....


and the people...the people!!! georgia, you blew our minds

with your generosity....wow....went to the mountains, 

Svani, Svan, diff language culture customs, living 

in vertical towers, fairytale unto unfairytale.....


got a lift back along dangerous roads in an 

army truck....a little scary, no rocks fell 

on us, no suspension in the back 

of the truck, I was chiefly concerned about our heads,

sometimes I was bucked like a bucket in treachourous

water....roads very dodgy, snaking along inclines, 

slow, fast...back from the mountains, where

the Svani live and breathe, and there

was hansel and gretel on a picture in 

the house where we stayed, where the people,

so kind, cooked us food at a criminally cheap price, 

with a smile, with warmth...

and the Music...i heard the source of much music, plainchant,

in a church, simpler stuff, the roots, music and religion entrenched

into each other, something it took so long for me to realise,...

that church, orthodox, above kutaisi, we walked 

the train tracks home, i put a 5cent eurocoin 

on the rail and the train flattened it into

slew-plain. That coin, that train, that weight, that blame





30 mrz/2018


I was leaving work at 18.00 today. Its a manual labor job, simple 

washing work in a restaurant. I have done this kind of thing on and 

off for 20 years. It bores me. 


Its mainly certain people. In this case, the boss came over to me about 6pm 

as I was about to leave and sort of muttered something. I have no idea 

what he said, but I told him I was leaving, and he suddenly became really



For no reason. 


It bores me.


He has disliked me since I began this minimum (below minimum) wage job

about, maybe, 6 months ago. In fact he completely humiliated me 

in my first few days there, and seems to have...


Next time I have the time I will actually try and articulate the sheer level 

of...patience I have developed over two decades of not thinking in work

I have no interest in. I write this only for therapeutic value.


Off to Georgia on monday: the country. that is.  It will be  inspiring and worth it....unlike washing forks when you know you could be teaching music to 

human beings that had to leave their own countries because people drop bombs on their hospitals...etc




26 mrz 2018


so 155,440 divided by 26 is just over 5977

so one idea is to have 5977 scales beginning with A, the next group beginning with B, and so on. 

(this is related to how I am going to classify and visualise the permutations of all scales etc)


in other "news" in my life:

i have an interview with SIN e.v tomorrow. Here is my proposal of ideas so far:

1.  Büch access for SIN e.v

     Fridenau shelter

.    Oberhafen shelter


2. The streets/homeless shelters: approach about improving conditions for buskers, teaching buskers. Also,

    people on the street: what about the possibility of them teaching their own language?



3. Finding instruments/lessons for everyone...approaching companies, other musicians.  Contact with parents.

4. Further education for the people who were sent home. Eg...what happened Martha, e.t.c ?

5. Schöneberg choir (network SiN e.v with Uber den Tellerend

6. Music lectures/concerts....this incorporated everything from attending outside gigs with them, 

   and creating events in the shelters. Inspire! Each person should lecture on music from their own culture

7. Observation/recording/documentation...Event once a month to see progress




22 mrz 2018


"hey Chloe congrats of course ....  on the...shall we say this...neuro-manic-net," 

"sure, well cheers. any news yourself? you playing or composing or something?"

"...I do stuff...yes, some of that...I'm playing in a guitar group...yes..well, I'm reaching you because...well, I need names. 

Its the issue of a certain permutation. We've been onto this before, Case. The Idorian nexus has...

"...stop talking about william gibson, just get to the point"

"...haha, sure. well the number was, as you know, yes, I owe you bitcoin, or currecny, you see

" I don't really care. The wintermute wont attack you anytime soon. I'm not gonna fuckin out-jack your neural lace just yet, hehe..."

" well thanks for playing this liam Ibson Glame. Right....so...your job, which willl, be paid, in vurt feathers of a rare kind...names. Your

job is lingual. You can stick to this English thing if you like. Its not like we can speak our own fucking language, right?

"..the point, please"

"its a...book. this is not a net flux. Its an actual thing made of tree. Those things we used to have, made from the felled....

its a book. Its just the names I need. The name of each scale. Each scale, meaning you gotta....yes, 154,440 names.

Its a book of music scales. People are smart. Musicians, people, kids, parents, girls, boys...they need this stuff. They 

need a music book, an eccentric one. Art. Its going to be a beautiful package. Its just going to have the names of

155,440 scales inside. Thats it. Its a musicians...almanac, or tome, or...well not a bible actually. Im just doing it for 

fuck of it really. Call scales anything. Hear this sequence of notes here? Lets call it Alfred. In fact you could call it

Alfred. A, then La, then F, then re, then E, then D. But that doesnt make sense. Sorry Alfie, your gone. Or maybe not:

I dont know. do re me fa so la te do. There we go. That's solfege. So each scale needs a name. The first scale, 

for example, is C, C sharp, D, D sharp, E. There we go. That's our first permutation. But what do we call 

the damn thing? We could, of course, just call it Alfred. Why not? The name doesnt have to relate to the notes.

Does hloe or ob relate to you? Yes and no...stupid fucking question. Does the name Dorian relate to the actual

Dorian scale? its the second mode. You can wing this stuff, its not pocket science. So.. just 155,440 names. Thats 

all I need. As for the paper, well, let me handle that. All you gotta do is send me...a systematically aranged

list of the scales. Each one a simple glyph....I mean, a simple giff, I mean, a simple picture. Its just 

picture of a stave, with the permutation on it. And beside it a name.


"I'm going to play you this nine note scale: its called "Troglodon". 






You see, we need a lexicon here. We need lists. A method. You dive in Case, or Chloe, if you will. You jack in, 


its a long list. 



you know what I just did? went to a random word generator. I think I have the names of the first 100 permutations. I kid you not:

  • ashburton
  • abaised
  • assisi
  • asker
  • alcitho
  • aspen
  • alalcomeneus
  • alveolated
  • aeroplankton
  • adolph
  • abusive
  • aphrodisia
  • auxesis
  • ashipping
  • actuary
  • anticonformity
  • anagrammatism
  • aliunde
  • antimilitarist
  • antigravity
  • aroused
  • abnormal
  • apocalyptic
  • antlike
  • antihierarchal
  • americanistic
  • arezzo
  • altai
  • antiparliamentary
  • anhinga
  • abigail
  • airlight
  • alligated
  • antienthusiastically
  • asbestine
  • attius
  • aqaba
  • amittai
  • auspices
  • antitrade
  • acceptability
  • aquaplane
  • anatto
  • antiphas
  • aceldama
  • ampere
  • antirepublicanism
  • albumen
  • abrogated
  • airlift
  • antiozonant
  • albino
  • auld
  • adenoma
  • ashurbanipal
  • alkalinised
  • anguished
  • arrant
  • araguaya
  • aneurine
  • australorp
  • androdioecious
  • aeroelastics
  • autumn
  • arundinaceous
  • atabyrian
  • advantageously
  • agcy
  • aycliffe
  • alamein
  • albarelli
  • acequia
  • apographic
  • arimaspians
  • absorptivity
  • attending
  • agamy
  • anemology
  • alkalify
  • algorism
  • arno
  • antipasto
  • anthropomorphously
  • algidness
  • amorino
  • antiskeptical
  • abysmally
  • ascendency
  • amosite
  • abnormalising
  • adjurer
  • antibilious
  • anagrammatically
  • astronavigator
  • affixal
  • antireforming
  • anonymously
  • appliableness
  • apologize
  • asternal


yup, thats right. In fact, this is going to be much more fun and easier than I could have imagined. Nice coincidence:

The first scale, Ashburton, consisting of the notes c c# d d# e...its a town in england I used to live in!


heres the next 100, done from the same programme:



  • alleluia
  • akhenaten
  • anisodactylous
  • aumildar
  • apartheid
  • acetometer
  • astrologian
  • anastigmat
  • antntonioni
  • abris
  • alabastos
  • anise
  • annexe
  • amateurish
  • affinity
  • apiculturist
  • antiphrastically
  • atropism
  • anadarko
  • ambrettolide
  • acidogenic
  • antimethod
  • augustus
  • aircraftsman
  • adelina
  • arctogaea
  • authorship
  • apt
  • apparel
  • anatomisation
  • autoerotism
  • anticynical
  • adulterate
  • anywheres
  • amp
  • australoid
  • any
  • anathematizing
  • aegrotat
  • attrited
  • algaroba
  • apostolos
  • alerce
  • albumenising
  • amends
  • antipapacy
  • abstrusely
  • aquaemanalia
  • azuela
  • ani
  • antimethodic
  • appositional
  • apemius
  • ambit
  • antone
  • anthemion
  • anatomiser
  • arboretum
  • asterismal
  • appareled
  • arsphenamine
  • appointed
  • accountableness
  • afflatus
  • agreeable
  • arshine
  • apologal
  • antiproton
  • antibacchic
  • a
  • anchor
  • apostrophized
  • antiworld
  • alfur
  • asyut
  • antares
  • ambiances
  • auditor
  • alloway
  • attitudinise
  • afrikanerdom
  • angrier
  • antipodes
  • acesodynous
  • almery
  • archemorus
  • ata
  • aurelian
  • arachnoid
  • anisopteran
  • autopsist
  • airy
  • axiomatic
  • anemochorous
  • affectation
  • agnize
  • assentor
  • ambuscader
  • augural
  • assignable


this really is fun. Just need to assign the note names beside each one. What a laugh.







19 mrz 2018


Toxteth. Interesting name. I was at an exhibition, randomly, recently, about rioting. One of the exhibits was a cinema type room with a large screen depicting some of the 

sheer social problems Toxteth, a suburb-town-place of Liverpool, England, went through in the 80's (I think the (80's)...including massive unemployment and rioting

I only saw a few minutes of the video before leaving, but what was fascinating was a government-corporate plot to regenerate the area, that was a complete failure: an entire park and

entertainment area, etc, was built, but had no impact whatsoever on Toxteth: it was rich people, sponsoring rich people, to build, for Nothing.

I went online to find out more, but didnt get far.

other exhibits included the genocide of a certain number of Sihks in some part of India in the 1980's...absolutely appalling. 




9 mrz 2018



last wednesday, the practice with the choir was excellent, there are a core group who always show up, about 5 people, and then about 4 new people showed up.

so..its very encouraging and a lot of fun. For me personally that day is a testing one: I have 2 gigs, teach one student, and do the choir also: and each thing means

a ludicrous amount of time on public transport.


and this ludocracy ( ! fun with words) is slightly aleviated by the way I get from mitte to macondo: before, its was madness: tram from mitte to rosenthaler, u8 to alexander, and then

slowly drag myself along one of the more ridiculous present berlin anomolies: the U5 out of service-replacement service. One might conclude a bus to just scamper along the whole of 

one of the longest, widest, most used, and busiest roads would suffice, but no: you get on the bus, get off two stops later, get a u bahn a few stations, get off the ubahn, cross to the other side, and get an extension train from there to samariter str...


if I had more time I would clarify the above for better reading. 




6 mrz 2018


I got through a joseph roth book I borrowed from 

the library. Have been meaning 

to read one for years: the place I play

every monday, joseph roth diele, well, 

he used to live above it (I think), hence the nam,


the person who owns it really likes/liked

joseph roth...there are tons of his books

there on sale. the book i borrowed is called "the wandering jew"

and is very informative.



5 mrz 2018





the bensa piece, troix dynamiques...its a labyrynth at themoment,

because its for 10 guitars.


i need the full score: and not just me (and the conductor)...all the players need the full score.

then we can all see what the other guitarists are doing.....


and why this piece: well its not just that its for 10 guitars.


check out the second movement. Guitar 4 splits into ABCD, each letter corresponding to 

a differen guitar. So generally 

A and B are playing the same part, while C and D are doing something else)


BUT...here we go: later AB split into two parts.

Occassionally, things get all convenient and ABCD play as one.


confused yet? I blame the langauge(;


Guitar 3 (my part)....um splits into 4 also...and really splits into 4....


SO: what i need to know is: overlaps? how does all this fit?


i need the full score...







2 mar 2018


am writing for eight guitars...its a new one on me. its for the guitar octet group...well the numbers do fluctuate.



last sunday we played for Maike's students and parents...lots of people there. It was a pleasant few hours.


(Maike heads the guitar group)


I also played the fretless guitar for the first time in public: it was an odd feeling: however, i am a billion 

times better at dealing with this sort of situation because of the vast amount of live piano I have been 

playing in berlin.I bought it in 2013 (I think)...in fact I still have a diary entry going back to then so hopefully

I will know the exact date I bought it because that is a hugely important date in my life.


So I played a "medley" of my own stuff...I just tried to have fun. It wasnt fun really: just because 

I am so unfamiliar with playing it in front of an audience.

But its great to finally now start playing live to people. 


as a group we only played a short movement from the bensa, however, it went well. 

afterwards I stayed and talked to one of the other guitarists, whose parents are from chile,

all about chilean politics. it was quite extaordinary to hear about it: its people were , 

for a period of time, a social experiment by a bunch of chicago school nutters...

will right more soon about this. I first came across this through naomi klein...





I will get Adrian (most likely), and his partner, Friedericke, to make me a proper 

fretless guitar. The one I have is essentially broken (big crack near the sound hole)


ireland is under the "beast from the east" at the moment: very cold and lots of snow.


snowflakes are pretty dangerous: they are fractal based crystals controlled by troglodytes, out

to the thwart the planet. Or at least thats the sort of reaction they seem to be inducing in ireland: 

snow, shock horror. nice excuse to not work and talk about oblongevity.





28 feb 2018


2 gigs today, music getting better and better. its a real thrill playing this isolating snowy chopin music, quite extraordinary. 

the choir in schoneberg was an unusual evening, its was a "jewish food cooking evening"...so 

we ate some nice jewish food, sang some jewish songs...also the choir did a few numbers, including

"no more walls" in arabic, german and english. Someone, his name is Ajir...I will be emailing him the lyrics and

he will translate into hebrew, which is exciting.


In Arved's lesson, I got a useful german phrase: "Das C wird zu einem H"..meaning the the C goes to a H.

I am teaching him Bach, so of course its just musical logic, remarkable logic, from bar to bar...


was at the freelunchtime Konzert at the Philharmonie yesterday (dienstag)


the playing was immaculate, the music supreme, it was Beethoven Violinsonate D Dur op 12 no 1, written 

at the turn of the 18th century (1797/1798) apparently, and Schubert, Rondo für Violine und Klavier h-Moll D 895 (1826)


so....they played great...and there was an encore, which was...well, more of the same thing it felt like.


It just contained "no alarms and no surprises"...the entire gig. It was too polite, too right, too...

one wants the piano to explode, or the roof to start dancing...etc etc. The programme notes

were the stereotypically boring stuff they always are: it gives a brief bio of each person playing, 

reading more like a monochronicle sycophantic dull exercise in....yadadadadaaadadadadaad


so and so studied blahblah somewhere..............oh





19 feb 2018


one interesting thing about the dna family tree testing( that is becoming cheaper and cheaper) is that we are, of course, all related to each other. So great: I can find out if I have chinese blood or whatever (actually my aunt got hers done, and it doesn't surprise me that I am partially indian).

thing is…I am related to, of course, nutters and psychos. so, of course, as the technology improves, I can trace my cousinship to…like Super Evil People. "you are a 7th cousin of stalin" type conversations will become commonplace. 

etc etc.


so thats on my mind! and 2 hundred  years from now…people will be like, Oh no, I AM RELATED TO THAT NUTTER SIMON GONGLY. OH NO… etc etc hohoho. thanks for reading this cromulency.




17 feb 2018

its getting more interesting now on piano, because I am learning new material. Just played Buchandlung again..

victor, who seems to run the place (although thats another story) actually respects me and sometimes pays me

which is a really really big deal. The piano in there, now is more out of tune, but still has the best touch in all 

of berlin. basically the action is slight: you can really really control the sound and that means everything to me.

the playing this evening was very difficult at first: there are a few reasons.

1. I am coming straight from tor eins, a spüler job I do to pay some of the rent. It is...I'll write about it sometime. kind of eats away your soul. I am running out of that

place, straight on the trains and into the gig. 

2. there is a guy behing the bar who I have had severe issues with...but fortunately he was leaving as I was arriving. he is just someone who seems to put up barriers 

to me playing.  really manipulative stuff. 

3. so I start playing, but I can barely hear anything...just a bunch of super drunk people behind me screaming about football in english. 


but after about 40mins they disspear and suddenly I'm sorted! I can hear the piano. I play, Music. Not the forced garbage to facilitate their vapidsoifajdsiidsjyxc


anyway Vic shouts me some cash and someone else bothers to put some in the hat.


after, I go to Lawrence to play. This place is a sort of hybrid arabic turkish german place, its quite new, I cant get any money out of them, but Frank lets me play.

I just played some stuff...they didnt bother turning their own stereo music off, so....


when I get bored writing, perhaps that means you are bored reading.











10 Feb 2018


Learning German....


I was in Kreuzberg, and saw this exhibition very briefly: "And who has not dreamed of violence"....by Sung Hwan Kim. I brought the programme notes home with me, they are in german...thats an interesting name for an art exhibition


so...I have chosen a sentence to "dissect"....in order to learn some german:


"In seiner ersten Einzelausstellung in Berlin zeigt KIm diese Arbeit neben weitern Werken im Rahmen einer neuen, für die daadgalerie entwickelten, raumgreifenden Installation"



ok...In is just in. 

seiner...is his, but there is an R on the end. so...sein is the original stem, the third person male  possesive artikel...so..the ER is, a little confusion here, will have to clear this up.


ersten....is this accusative? It could be, because it means "first solo exhibition"....so why accusative? because the verb "zeigt" comes a but later. I am guessing "zeigen" is an accusative-forming verb, so when applied to "solo exhibition"...means its perhaps in that context?


neben weitern...gotta look up the logic of that one. weiter, once again the N on the end. Werken I am guessing is just plural of Werke (same goes for Rahmen...just looking up Rahmen now...in fact will put whole sentence through google translate:


In his first solo exhibition in Berlin, Kim shows this work alongside other works in the context of a new, expansive installation developed for the daadgalerie.


Perhaps "daadgalerie" is incorrect in the original? Perhaps it should be a capital d, but perhaps its small because of its syntactic context  of the entire article


anyway, new words for me are RAHMEN (sounds like noodles,no?) which means 



well wait for it!!!  you type that one word in boggle translate and u get:


Translations of Rahmen


its DER Rahmen...and it means context in this context perhaps.



6 Feb 2018


I saw Messien's quartet for the end of time at a free gig in the berlin philharmonic. I really enjoyed it. I heard it first about....when I was 19 or 20. I had a recording of it somewhere, and would listen to it now and again, trying to figure out why it was famous.

I enjoyed the performance: I am not super familiar with the piece so there were dark surprises. I wandered around the foyer-lobby, if you want to call it that. Circular colours: the walls are exotic.

I did a tour of the berlin philharmonic about a year ago. When they were designing it, someone, perhaps the architect, used a gun inside a smaller scaled version, experimeting with different acoustics by shooting bullets. Or at least thats what I remember being told by the tour guide. When they were looking for architects, they chose the most modern, +ucked up design: hence the unusual shape of the berlin phil, which apparently has a brilliant acoustic. 

As I wandered with the end of time quartet, the acoustics would change for me, and I really enjoyed that. I met two elves, four troglodytes and three sceptres of the rubic variety.

I didnt really. 



do people dream of androids dreaming of electric sheep? If people dream dreams of androids dreaming of electric sheep, then where is the pickeled piper that peter piper popped?


2 Feb 2018


so: on the stave in front of me was autumn leaves. 3 sharps, so its the key of...F sharp minor. I usually play this in Aminor, but sometimes think of it as being in D because the first chord after the anacrusis type start is a d minor. It's starting, after the upbeat, on the subdominant of Aminor, which is D minor.


So I am staring at this, and there are a couple of things: one is, I have nearly always played it "slightly wrongly". Its always more by ear and there is some kind of harmonic sequence which I skimp over or am not sure of. On my own, fine. With someone else, not fine.


So with the clarinetist , this player has a Bb instrument. Everything she sees comes out a tone lower. In front of me is Autumn leaves in a different key to what I normally 

play, but I am transposing up an entire tone so its coming out as G sharp minor. 


All these different elements led to a huge amount of confusion: its "only" Autumn leaves, but unless the whole transposing instrument/melody/chords/harmonies are clear in one's head- and I mean Clear, frustration can occur. This further inspires me to learn this piece correctly, and in every key: thinking of it now, the main hindrance to me learning it is that I have only ever really played it for commercial reasons: its something people want to hear, or play, and its not really something I have ever wanted to play.







29 Jan 2018


..am doing the entire Slovakian album again. Must learn all parts on piano. Its really dark music and I really like it. One of the piano parts has the left hand leaping all over the keyboard: more specifically jumping from the bottom B and right up over the right hand. Practice indeed! Its funny that people say you learn nothing from history: one cannot function without history. Try forgetting that statement, for example. I dont mean you need that statement to function: I mean to function, you need memory, and memory is remarkably powerful, controlling, accurate, inaccurate, profound, biased....trust me, you need it. Memory and history, in my mind, are the same thing.


23 Jan 2018


 i am learning a fugue at the moment. its crazy, i chose the "simplest one" and of course I go online and in facts its a mobius strip aswell (!?). mum heard me doing a bit of it in dublin. bach was sort of an ultra genius. check it out:



this stuff is completely astonishing. Reminds me of the Necroscope books and how a guy called Harry Keogh would use Möbius theories to teleport around time and space! Brian Lumley wrote those.

20 Jan 2018

I played a good gig in Macondo recently. Sometimes you really do feel

good: you feel the thousands of hours you have pumped into practising music for twenty

years is actually having an impact. I really want to play more Good music. My mum

gave me a book of pieces for christmas, so I am learning some of them. One is Dvorjak's

theme from a new world (or whatever its called). Its great, not very long, sounds perfect

on a piano, and is a surprisingly good piece for performing: its got that fairly straight forward

opening, major key orientated, very "North-American-Copeland" sounding, then goes into that super famous

mysterious part, the "new world section" (I guess). It really is a great section, there is something in there

which makes it so great: works fine on a piano but with the orchestral version, its very cleverly scored...

oh and I bought a book when I was in Ireland on orchestration. It really is great, very witty (as the introduction notes).

Its by someone called Cecil Forsyth, and is laced with humour and I really like that in a book. I have read some of Rimsy Korsakovs

which certainly didnt hint at the quirky side this book has. There is a red line under the "humour" word I just wrote, I presume its an

american spell check?

I also saw a book, when I was in what you might call a "quaint" shop in Dingle, when I was there, called "Ethnic Cleansing in Ireland, to hell or Barbados"


really. Anyway, if I have more time, I will try and get it, read it, write about it. looks very controversial and interesting and sad.

Basically, about 50,000 Irish people were rounded up and used as slaves in the 1600's or 1700's...I really have to read it!!




29 Nov 2017

i will start copying and pasting my ideas from ridiculous comments I make on facebook to my waebsite, to inflict my nonsense on even more people:


hey Jon and Meg I have nearly finished the gm technology. nobody believed in my idea to genetically modify kangaroos to jump even further, all the way from ireland to australia. its gonna put elon musk and other crazy rogues out of business. anyway see you soon. and if not soon, dont blame me: blame the #ucking kangaroos. their nearly as bad as the leprachauns. Its all part of the conspiracy. nice picture by the way. where is that? 





25 November 2017


I now have "the invisible art" a century of music in ireland 1916 to 2016, edited by Michael Dervan.

Initially I had to get it sent from a library from Munich, and even then it was tricky. Anyway, I 

eventually decided to but the thing: I wasnt, ironically, allowed to take the lent book outside of the

library because it wasnt part of "the stat bibliotheque chain" 


It is not, as I write, to the best of my knowledge, gracing the shelves of any Berlin bookstore.

That's a shame, because it is an excellent book, and everyone here would find it fascinating, 

especially music lovers, and especially a place as inspiring and multicultural as Berlin.


I will have to wait a bit to get the encyclopedia of music in ireland ed. by Harry White and

Barra Boydell. Maybe when I am back in Ireland for christmas.






4th oktober 2017

I am trawling through the Dublin jazz book at the moment,

I am going to propose to the Babylon orchestra here in Berlin

that they try out one or two of the pieces...I could serve as a 

direct link to the composer in Ireland, in terms of arrangement 



So far:

cormac kenny All Turkey'd out: 3 parts

colm o hara Beetle blue solo with chords

stephen mc hale brita rosenfilter...this has melody with drums, and improv points







so met some friends last night

inevitably the subject of the catalania issue came up.

there was brutal treatment of people by the spanish police

on people illegally trying to cast a vote to declare Catalonia 

an independant Republic from Spain.


the pictures were beamed all over the world.


naturally, people are now confusing two very seperate issues:


1. Violence against people

2. Catalonian independance.


People react strongly to violence: of course, all the police who acted violently

should be thrown in jail immediately etc. 

Whether Catalonia should or should not be independant or not is a completely 

differant issue. Personally I know very little about what is really going on.


If its just more arrogant flag waving nonsense, then the police brutality is a dream come true

for the victimization lobby, and will just feed the nationalistic drivel policy forward. 

If Catalonia is a suppressed state, and the Spanish are an oppresive regime and its only 

now that a leprachaun like myself even bothers noticing, well...sure, they can have 

their "independence" 


But we all know true independance for a person, group of people or country cannot exist.

Even Japan has been dependent on Neptunian ethics for eleven millenia.

What the Catalonians and Spanish need to do is, of course stop squabbling like total idiots.


Apparently Catalonia is "rich" state: or so I was told last night. Which means less wealth 

distribution to the poorer parts of Spain if they have independence. And that

is very wrong indeed.


In the context of the EU, well...it just seems a minority of people, in this case the a few people

in the Iberian penninsula- will always be too 

stupid to see beyond flag waving and non-interdependancy they seem to be craving.


There is something Brexit about the whole thing. Something odd. You might 

be surprised by my attitude, especially with regards to Irish history..but...if the Catalonians and

Spanish were properly engaged with reality, they would be

putting the very real, tragic fact that people are starving to death not very far away at all

from themselves, on the African continent. They would be less concerned with the veneer of nationalism 

and more concerned about our dying brothers. They would subscribe more to 

unity and peace, amongst themselves, rather than whatever depressing nonsense we

are witnessing through the media. The question isnt whats best for "Catalonians" or the "Spanish":

they just have to accept we are all  leprachauns at the end of the day and hope for a better

star cluster near Limerick.



 August 6 2017


I'm learning some german songs at the moment


Ich fahr dahin...wow, this stuff is....no comment.


I have to learn it though.




Im now back in ireland...again! mum hit by a bike, very, very hard....cant remember anything.

grade 5 liver...something.....face got sort of smashed in...optic nerve connected to teeth, slight problem,

right eye, was very very bad getting better


meine cosmic mother


mums go back millions of years. something from something from something. care from care from care


so that is why I am here. and there was a slight bleed beneath her skull. mentally she seems 100 percent to me.


gets dizzy sometimes.


left hand got a real beating: she is left handed. one of her first pieces on the piano, was holyholyholy


I kid you not. perhaps at age 2


so lets hope it heals properly. its broken. the bone is supposed to fuse back to itself or another bone...

gotta find out more. otherwise It Who Wants More Specific Info will get frowning


"Simon, your not being clear"


"But I am a clear being, master. Clarity through my precision aura. Don't you understand?"






6 juli 2017




My mum arrived last night here in Berlin. My cosmic mother. My cousin arrived too, on the same plane, most likely by coincidence..which was great


small world.


Madra is mother in spanish. Mutti, perhaps slang? in German. Ma in "slang" Ireland. Madre is ma in Spanish. Ma is mum in Eire.


Cosmic mother...where does that come from? Well they are cosmic, are'nt they? they would have to be, having children growing inside them.


She sleeps now. People sleep. Mild hibernations. Temporary switch off. One lies down, then the switch intermittently flicks, flickers, on and off, 

sometimes deeper, sometimes R.E.M.


I met a guy in Istanbul, when I lived there, who claimed he had never dreamt. Apparently there are people like that, and apparently it is rare and

I have been told there is something wrong with people who do not dream while asleep.


I remember him: he was one of the more....violent shall we say...protesters against Erdogan. I remember being tear gassed near Gezi park.


But I digress. Mother. Mna is man is fear in Irish. Check it out. Voda is water in Slovakian, Uisce is water in Irish.




Madra is dog in Irish.


Mum sleeps in the next room. Blogophilia. If I write, I write under the assumption someone else will read it.


I write because it makes me fell better. I recommend it.  Madras is...Chennai? Madra with S in Irish is a place in India..


Well this is all Indo-European-Sanskrit biscuit, right?


All language from the same Lung, the Cosmic Lung, The Pulsating Orb Album Cover 



Pomme Fritz...what was the name of that album? Great stuff. Must hear again. Kopyleft Liberate Frontier


I am guessing my mum has been awake for far longer than her rise: but do not know and perhaps never will.


Yes we are all spun from the same Lung. where does the pun come from? Bung, Kung, Mung bean. Moonbeans.


Anyway. Ma awaits. We will see hear breathe music later: my music, something around Berlin also.


It's Paul Masvidal: who wrote the sentiment lyrics by Cynic?


You fell into that one? So did I. Fall's road: yes, the bigger road, they felled the trees, we did a school project on it.

same here: 40 approaching. on it goes 











4th July 2017 (a bit later)

ok I just found the Greece notes!!


There was a light wind which made the tent look like it was breathing. 

Extermination in the middle east. Cheap flights...



That came up in conversation, that vile word, extermination. We were talking about it as the sunset. We were talking about everything: racism, brexit....to me brexit just feels like another dull, racist venture. A nation, the English, could not come to terms with its crumbled, crumbling and still to crumble empire, and as a result, gets confused and listens too much to the inanity and empty rhetoric of a bunch of pat condell tea bigot bags.

Extermination. On it goes. I can see the sea as I write This transfers from papyrus not to sililcon not later. 

I am 38. In my life, in my bubble of cushioned domesticide, I have changed virtually nothing around me: since my birth, genocides, famines, wars have been near perpetual: they come and go. I have been immune, with an emphasis on Me. 


A tsunami wiped out hundreds of thousands....how many was it, and when was that? how many years, a decade? Mino? Menus? Minus? The water went out, and where I had been previously, off the coast of east india, ancient temples were exposed, then the water came back...like a breath was the tsunami, exhale with a vengeance.


Mahallaballapuram....cant spell it. I threw out my entire India diary from when I was 21...


greece, here now, is all blues and whites. Why? water and peace? what signifies it? on an island called Agistri. Flags: red is often blood. Randall Flag: king's warlock. we saw the stars, we walked. If an Irishman says "I am good at this" another will not reply in Irish.


Dual asterix abound. Look at Bono. The Irish person is not allowed snugness: pride itself is sin? she or he is only allowed self defeatism. Eire. Or maybe not. Geldof is over worked. No suprise. 




4th July 2017


Just trawling through all the stuff I wrote while in Greece. "Take care the sun it burns a trillion opne floors, take care the sun it yearns for moon and diluted paragraphs of ill versed....guns are roses.....flowers are weapons, birch in a bird, vapid poetry, fire a lung filled with the sighs of silence, trees of odeons, a bowl of scornflaked airwolf self alarm"


so this is the kind of nonsense that gets "composed" when I try to compose music on a beach off an island off greece.


However, I did find the stuff I wrote a while ago about my first experience of virtual reality. that was…about a month ago? here in berlin:





I had my first experience of virtual reality yesterday, VR as it is known, so William Gibson was very much on my mind.


VR: It was virtual, but it was surprisingly real. The universe was based on Chris Haughton's ideas (check out his books). I rarely get to see Chris, very talented guy I met in secondary school...he has somehow fed some great VR pioneers a ton of his ideas....to create an amazing reality.


I fed a rabbit. I saw birds. I had fun. It got dark, then it got light. I teleported around, really: I teleported from one part of a surreal, synthetic forest to another. Purple bears came close. I never felt threatened. I felt like a child, I felt like an adult, I felt a lot of peculiar emotions. I also craved for reality, and could not stop thinking about a conversation I had a few months ago with my younger brother about people who have enough food stamps and other governmental support to never leave their houses. 


They don't bother with the real world, because a fake one can be enough for them. 24/7.  I felt a bit lost, sort of, no.




In conversation afterwards with the person who rented the Atelier, we got talking about the different applications of VR. She told me she had done a gender swap in VR, and how great it was. Women like a man, that  damien rice song, that sort of thing. 


So back to my time with the VR goggles on: I saw very pretty red, cute, bulbous, hop-hop a hopping birds. The world was beautiful. I saw apples. I picked up carrots. I felt empathy through feeding. I was a mother, a father, a helper, a giver, a taker, a codependent, all of those things, all in the space of a few minutes: like in the real world.


And then I went to Neptune. Really. Well not really, I looked up into infinity and saw copius amounts of stars and the kind gentleman beside me (in the real world) told me to click and point, and I didn't really find Neptune but I found the sun or maybe mars, and went there instead.




And then to get back to earth, I clicked on a purple panda. Or maybe a green bear. I am not sure.


So: whats my point, and what is the point of all this? Isn't there enough social media, computer-game starch saturation, plastic trees and linked-in  happiness 4ever txt already, to be extolling the virtues of virtual reality?


Well, no. We have lots of things: war, famine, poverty, cancer: and we have to get rid of them. From what I experienced in VR, from the remarkable empathy one can feel towards essentially non existent reindeer-beings, to the remarkable elon-musk type-Lets-Go-To-The Mars-Optimism parade, which all happened from the moment I put the goggles on…


Did you ever watch "V", the television series, about lizards from space invading earth? 


 Putting on the goggles, I thought: I'm going swimming, minus water chlorine and snorkel.  There was a woman in  "V" who was subject to interrogation in a sort of drug induced psychedelic torture chamber…I thought a little about her too…


the applications of this technology of course saves lives, and of course will always be abused. Karmaggeddon. Me and my brothers played vast amounts of that computer game as children. Driving cars off buildings, 20 stories high, and landing on top of cows. Carmaggedon was the game: the music was fear factory, very tight, very controlled, very good music, very precise. 




Idoru is a great book. William Gibson has the knack of…how should I put this…reflecting the extremes of plast-idiotic culture: he likes the word neon, and never shuts up about it. Idoru is fake beyond fake: She, or it, her celebrity, or singing, or talent, or lack of, is worshipped, all this despite the fact she is an industrialized, factory made, wholly artificial Nothing, built for profit by people who know how to extract money from the masses. "How to have a number one the easy way", the manual by the KLF, springs to mind here. Bill Drummond has been tapping this for many a decade now….in fact, I have even met Idorus: musicians so rich, so fake, so disgusting, so vile, they are programmed to ignore.


moomoo land. 


I am digressing: Stick to the VR, baby. Blog it properly. 


Right so: I went into outerspace: who needs telescopes and SETI when you have VR? I flew further than any budget budgie o leary flight will ever take me. In reality, one can flux into Europes "entrenched and marshaled races" quite easily, but in VR, you can go so much further.


or so I am maybe told. 


VR has been saving lives for thousands of years. It's called Using Your Imagination. Try telling that to the sisters of charity and the Irish government. They are wrestling and jostling over hospitals as I type: rather than just agree that christiainity is an all too often lethal doctrine and the hospital should be gifted safely into the hands of sane people, they continue to skirmish and bicker: and lives are lost. 



The pope should put a VR helmet on and teleport to the edge of the known universe where he can feed yellow cows as many  turnips as he possibly can.  Then he could turn around and talk to a holographic Carl Sagan, and maybe, just maybe, begin to learn a little about why Savita haunts the conscience of the stars.


21st june 2017


summer solstice. sat on plane to Greece from berlin. Mike O Leary. Cant sit beside Yadira because Micky O Leary makes money from seperating people. Smart lad. Probabaly likes top trumps and monopoly too. When I am big and grown up, like Micael O Leary, I hope I can milk fields for golden tayto policies. Smart man? Yeah so on the way to athens with athena


you gotta love the names


only smarties have the answer...and the cash.


I'm ernst. Really, learning spanish and irish and english and german all at the same time, one big jumble of lingual headaches. Manoo Chow.

first time in athens, erste mal? are you bored yet? you damn well should be, young golliwag. Be careful or I will send Enid after you. Sandman/..


I do like Greek names. Me gusta nombre de greko. what the fuck is censorship in swiss family robinson shard? uno dos tres, haon do tri, tri do haon....yo no puedo hablar mi soloidioma.


nein. Nil




yawn, ariba...landed no problem, abira. Solar glints as the plane descended, flying over islands...should make planes out of glass, its only a matter of time. or planes from mirrors to confuse exterior threat. I suppose they do, cameleons that is, spelled mistake.


so we arrived. stared at greek language....like russian!! looks like russian, which should not be surprising. sounds like spanish, which is surprising. all languages are connected lung guages, breathing the same phonetic abstract star-rust....gonna break this rusty cage, chris cornell, gardens of sound


we arrived, quite litereally, into a garden of sound. Stepping off the bus after the airport, we were greeted by Dena and Nikos, friendess and friend, both grecian, both remarkable people for their warmth and friendliness.


and straight into drinking coffee and across the road into a national garden "and Zappeio"


its not what you write, its how you write, so really, it is what you write, and how you right. alll wrong, all right.


it was a free concert. operatic favourati. rossini, verdi, mozart, the marriage of fig rolls, that sort of thing. we left early. bitter oranges in the trees, really...actual oranges but a special kind...welcome to greece, it is not ireland, or neptune. so Dena, genius friendess amiga of ours, managed to blag-brag-beg us into a free gig at the Odeon Of Herod The Atticus.


I kid you not.


The odeon is part of the acropolis. you have to love these names. you have to love the music. you have to love the language. you dont have to love anything. the Inspiron is here, always, apart from the heat. My mum learnt all her music scales on a boat between italy and greece at the age of 16 or 17 or whatever age she told me. I asked her was this something to do with being en route to the height of intellectual mecca? but I would say something like that, wouldnt I ?


music scales, those remarkable modes with their inspiron names: lydian, dorian, phrygian, mixo, locrian, aeolian...all from the Source: Ionian. And that is why I love greece so far. The relationship between my musical past and Greeces intellectual evolution.  everywhere I turn I am confronted by a musical parallel..or any parallel: the street names: Iraklidon. You have to love these words. I live the letter x and it is Everwhere here: brief glance at this free map yields magalou alexandrou, neofytou metaxa.....




40 coats



















31 mai 2017


how did Sylvia Plath figure out in one night what took me three and a half years to realise?


glittering indeed. My dad warned me about munich...


Munich came up in conversation recently...on the subject of hitler.






stonestream: if your manager promotes panorexia, why was his tone of voice...oh nevermind







10 mai 2017


people are so sarcastic these days, you know? 

chick pea korea is a scientologist, but thats no reason not to like scientology.

for example, chick pea koreas music is really good, and the scientology really seeps through in titles like "return to forever", do you know? so: scientology is christianity with starbuck-rodgers dolloped on top. its awesome: christianity has...7m90k  people that mr hubbard, because scientology is a younger type of coke than christianity. cant u get the joke?

so come on people! celebrate the music. not the chick peas. hummus is acist anyway. 


I m telling you this because I might be sharing the same street with a church of scientology soon. So drop the sarcasm. each to their own, you know? starbucks: I love it. choose life! choose 796. and wipe that  smile off your face. dianetics: wow. when i saw chick peakor live, i was a little bit inspired. not very inspired, but still: money he got. and thats the Future. 4000 ad. Mozart, on Twitter, amazing.


30 april 2017


going back to ireland soon.

my grandad was on the board of directors at st vincents hospital.


I will have to go in and study the picture of him with the nuns again.




oh, and I found some more bosnia trip notes since the last time:


pens fashioned from bullets


tour guides dad was in army....defending sarajevo...

asked him, me being a pacifist, about the situation in Syria, and he said he was

a pacifist, and mentioned that all people have the right to flee



......funilcular, terraces, the hill, lego, extraordinary, beautiful:

we both could not believe our eyes. went up in a ramshackle unit: stunning.

....lemming tech, from a distance, looked like...tack-lego...is it government funded?





 25 march 2017, 

Trip to Sarajevo

arrived late near tuzla, ....Tuzla airport is still brilliant:

no real shops, gloss, glitz and plastic: its just a simple airport

without the idiocy of market pressure. There were even people complaining 

about it online. They must want

plastic and currency to hold their hands. 

Addiction to starrybucks is rampant, ladies and gentlefriends. 


so we got to the city, or town, of Tuzla the next mornig....

had the chance to see a muslim graveyard, there was the grave of a singer, (composer?), there, along with marble black plinth, headstone, with his

music encribed-engraved upon it. We have a photo.

I suspect I will learn this, everytime I meet a bosnian, or anyone associated with this guy, I will play it to them, see if they know it...gotta goggle

also, whilst on this this dear hill of remembrance, we happened upon a blue jay way, a favourite of mine:



so  Bosnia was welcoming, cheap, very friendly, in all the best ways: give it 5 years and bosnia will be littered with corporate bitter starrybucks..for now, 

or while I was there at least, I could only revel in its organic ascension from the brutal shattering of Yugoslavia....just imagine a plate of venn diagrams, each sector its only self-serving bigot, I, Me, Us, Own, Our, self- bias Resistor (the factoring of fear is the fucking problem here) ...Resisting change, resisting anti-pride in nationalism.....the plate is Yogoslavia, and when its dropped, smashing, into septethnic shards of.....cling onto it: your pride in Iceland obliviating England at football...Cling on to it....   each Bias-troll tries to grab a shard, and in the ensuing idiocy, the monumental tensions (communism, weapons, ideologies, incredibly large amounts of remarkably stupid men, orthodox, christianox, muslimox, croat, bosna, serbo, herzo, ameri, russi, eireann-apathenian-wanderly wagon #ucking bosco syndrome,  u.s.w, etcetera....).........try and cast your mind back, or forward, to 1989: rostropovich and his cello, runs out, straight to the wall, and plays for Freedom....1989, communism dissolving, complete with paranoic, nerve-shredding maternal breakdowns....the 1990's kicking in.....


the incredibly stupid men:


mass gang rape, genocide. His name is Radovan Karadzic


Radovan Karadžić.

I remember him in the news, whats his name? evil...ended up hiding away, selling some quack-quantum drivel.... 

its hard to believe such stupidity can exist. Quantum trash. People believe anything you tell them, including me, including you.


Deepak and his theatre of quantummy. Make money from anything, sell anything.


Radovan and Deepak: quant the gullible, starring tim cruiser and scientology's latest spelled mistake: Elong Tusk.


europe asleep, including me, including you, in school, natty,  "the saviour", steps in, stops the madness, spends the rest of its existance pretending it wasnt part of the problem in the first place, patting itself on the back, complete with Anti-cavan cola policies, droll, snide, insiduous, whats your favourite finch? big bird?


venn shyagrams


Yugo crumbling, genocide, the siege of Sara, horrific, epitome of evil, 


so he asks me for 35 to tune the piano, I relax: investment is investment, so I assume I have far more time.

27th march was my birthday, but these people dont function on the same waves as the rest of us.


7. as I write "gloomy sunday" in the background, on T.V. I have played this, with a Slovakian, this song about death, about suicide...


Molosovic and It: tito tintun


oh, this is a BLOG. twitter. back to simplicity, stupidity, commercialism, boredom:

8. degrading lunatic: reminds me of the Manics song, "archives of pain", a sort of supernova irony, a cynicism beyond infinty, "I give them the respect they deserve", lets hope he stays in jail.....

9 as I wrote, christian bells ringing: reminds me of toledo in spain, where instead of one ideology trying to erase another, (all erasion is self erasion, not), they are now, toledo, sarajevo...they are now ok: their venn states are ......



those Venn intersections: evolving into pacifist mutually consenting tolerators...there is a screen in the room and there are 2 boxes and there are 2 remote controllers and you 11. HAVE to turn on the machine with one remote you HAVE to change the channels with the other, and if you (shock horror) so not turn on the machine with the Other, 


so I digressed: today we went into a Supermarcado called CONSUM,  no really, there are lots of these in Sarajevo. Inside the muzac was modified EMF


asleep in the 90's....I was serious. My partner, from Colombia, instantly recognised the EMF as well. We both laughed, it was their hit "Your unbelivable" , but sung, we think, in some Bosnian dialect! the chorus was in English. Brilliant. Seems whatever machine built EMF also sold them successfully across continents. 

13 call to prayer, reminded me of erdogan tear gassing children in Istanbul, and later on, the ringing of church bells, reminded me of not being allowed to see the book of kells because trinity was shut...



and the music. I just bought 2 of my students (are they 9 and 9?), 2 wooden flutes, for 1euro 50 each, bosnia is Cheap: Bos and Herz really has been through the mill: the kind of mill one tries to avoid, that is. 


15 weaponry, of piercing elements, ethnic "cleansing", ethnic..."Rincing".....ethnic eradication......796 tuam, my old phone number, home E.T, 282.....6.................

Toom. Vatican induced dethics. hell does not exist. there is a band, perhaps many bands, called Hell, Hells. There are hellish experiences (having a blog, for example), there are tragic events in parallel with percieved hells, fear-factored and subdivided hells, but hell does not exist. Sarajevo is beautiful.


16. but I eyegress...

sarajevo...U2 cranberries, mid 90's, I was staring out a window in school, while the war happened, or did not happen, as it was at the media time. those beautiful people, that fractured state, that inevitable tragedy, that shock, becket's nameless....


their shameless....spineless in their winedress, srebenica: conjures up so little because I know so little, felt something, some perpetual tragedy, get the fuck off the internet and do something, reader


One of the highlights of trip was what I call a "Moondial".

There was some rubbish I used to watch on tv as a child, called Moondial...

well it may have been good: I cant remember: it was just rubbish from the point

of view it had witches and timetravel. Back to the future?

so anyway: I digress. There was an actual clock pertaining to the moon oustide 

a mosque in sarajevo. The clock tower was tall: there were many many digits on the clock,

more than twelve: I know very little about moon clocks or lunar dials or planet twitters 

so I want to learn more about it. 


It occurs to me that there can be clocks with billions of numerals, which hit thirteen every seven thousand 

years, orbiting suns we have not named...shadows trillions of kilometers long, eclipses happening 

once every Aoen.....







14 Mar 2017



One of my students gave me the most awesome pullover hoody thing, it is basically a load of composers written in "death metal" type font. If you are not familiar with this, many rock and metal bands write their names in a certain distinct logo-style. One of my favourites is the original Carcass logo ( amazing band too)


if I have any integrity at all I will wash the damn thing and send it to my brother in New Zealand, seeing as it was his 40th yesterday


 I am learning Spanish.....so will practice by writing out all the questions I want to ask my teacher tommorow I am listening to tons of Bomba Estereo and Kraken....these Colombian bands are amazing, and great for learning Spanish


De donde eres ? I need upside down question marks

Quantos anos a ti ? accents and squiggles   they are called Tildes...the thing over the n is called.....LETS CALL IT A MACRON TILDE  before I spend another thousand hours on wikipedia...and I also just read this:


"Nobel Prize winner in literature Gabriel García Márquez expressed his disdain over its elimination by saying: "The 'Ñ' is not an archaeological piece of junk, but just the opposite: a cultural leap of a Romance language that left the others behind in expressing with only one letter a sound that other languages continue to express with two."


this was written in a-defence of some EU regulation or something


just found these also, very useful:



     éste (this)
     éstos (these)
     ése (that)
     ésos (those)
     aquél (that over there)
     aquéllos (those over there)


     ésta (this)
     éstas (these)
     ésa (that)
     ésas (those)
     aquélla (that over there)
     aquéllas (those over there)


     esto (this)
     eso (that)
     aquello (that over there)


thanks to the website I unstole it from


so those questions:


tu eres Agrentina?

te gusta esta arepa

te gusta esa naranha?

que hora es, tu quires una serbesa? tu comes arepas ahora

tu bebes una serbesa conmigo manana????



OH AND IN OTHER NEWS tu am    tua......maut....if you are Irish, you will know where this is going 796









9 Feb 2017


From wikipedia:

"In January 2014, D'Arcy, who is 80 years old and currently undergoing cancer treatment, was sentenced to three months in prison for the 2012 protest at Shannon."


So, if you despise war, and protest against it, It Locks You Up


This goes in my music, this needs to be talked about, shouted out about.


If I can write the music good enough....thats the key


This will be part of the Seven Serpents, the seven songs part of my album.

Aspects on Khare Cityport also.



1st February


Feel completely exhausted.

I rang "Gema" today, who apparently want to help musicians.


Its an organisation z  which is supposed to help artists.


They said the membership was 157 euros...or something.


I asked them to come to the venue to hear me play and discuss,

but they just...talked.


All I want is to earn a decent, legal, legitimate wage.

I have to pass a hat, and people put money in it...

I have lived in Germany for over 6 years or 7...


so why still this stress?


its my right to play, without stress, without loosing sleep


Its also my right to earn money, without being paranoid


Gema just....I dont know what they do, if someone could come and meet

me and explain, it would be great.

Germany is great, but when you feel like the banks and insurance companies

and charity organisations and every other institution is working against you, it is

very, very tiring.


If you are a manager, record company worker, lawyer, or anyone, please come

and watch me in joseph roth dile potsdamer str. berlin some evening, and help me!!

I just play a piano and wonder about patents and copyrights and copylefts instead of

focusing on the music


do you know the nursey rhyme


Christmas is coming and the goose is getting fat?


Here is my version


xmas is coming always

and the goose is...nevermind


Christmas came

The goose got slane

u tube hits

packs a punch




26 Jan 2017


Have been very impressed by Sepultura's latest, have heard one complete track and parts of other songs. I'm a huge fan of their earlier work, and unfortunately there is a few albums I just havent heard. Looking forward to listening to these. 


Under a pale grey sky....


I like the album cover also. Nuclear Blast (their label) seem to be marketing the album by chucking up lots of promo interviews on youtube. Suits me: they are good guys, with some really interesting stuff to stay. It's interesting how they evolved, I think its only one remaining member from the older more "classic" line-up




yes, Andreas Kisser



Today was slow in Reinickendorf, some stuff got done...

Someone, Martha, dictated some Russian  on paper but I cant find it on youtube...

yapanishka si doy is how it sounds to me. She is Russian and has no English, 

in her diction she wrote:

Ear Parsal Ka Siolue


This is some kind of russian spelled out in German phonetics...

I have really know idea how to find this song online.

Will just have to practice more with her next week


Got some good Beethoven done with the kids,

looking forward to the concert on March 17th




19 Jan 2017


I was just reading about Baden Powell, properly.

Scouts to me was...well, boring mostly. Just more school,

more hierarchy, more dullness. There was something odd about it,

something..Wrong. Children pick up on this sort of thing.


I suppose it gives  parents a bit of light relief from their kids, and, yes, of course

I loved walking in the Irish mountains. They are stunning.


But of course, you dont need a dull insitution to tell you how to  walk in the mountains.You can 

do that already. And as for ironing your daft green shirt on a Friday evening...

...I never liked wearing the uniform in Scouts. I always considered it a waste of time.

I still do consider uniform boring.

As for Baden, I never knew or cared much about him.


Once again, I am surprised, but not surprised. He was Nasty. Sir Lord, Nasty.


Even just reading through the Wikipedia entry on him makes me nauseous.


An entire world wide organisation with millions and millions of members, all because once upon

a  time a deranged lunatic  who frequently commited violence thought it was a good idea.


Ok: so I understand colonialism is colonialism, and the past cannot change, but still I can 

try and shape the future by warning people about Mr. Zulu Destroyer. 



So anyway, in the extremely unlikely event you are actually reading this, if you are

a member of the scouting organization, in whatever shape or form, well, spread the word

about the fake institution it is, and leave. 


Make sure you don't distort the truth on Baden Powell. One day I might

learn more about his depravity, but for now, I will just have to do with trying not to 

be too ashamed about the fact I was part of an institution born in the legacy of



What a vapid, empty man.


(yes, I learnt a lot from scouts. Maybe. Who knows? I have no idea)





10 Jan 2017


The thing about this blog is I keep reading stuff I have written and wanting to change it.

People read what you write, and think its a reflection of Raistlin's obvium.


Krynn is a place where the lidlon tescon aldic ikean nauseum can seep through anytime.

its the neverending yawning,


Imperiatic royal nonsense verses Citair epmi 


see, I could sit here forever, editing this hokum.



4 Jan 2017


Just back from Romania ! It was brilliant, the people were great, the city of Bucharest

inevitably fascinating.


I have never been a fan of communism but seeing the dire effect first hand was very eye opening.


I could write for hours about this, but all I can say right now is that Bucharest is well worth visiting...


When I was a child, we did a school project on the devastating impact of Chi Chess Koo on the

Romanian people. He built a palace....a palace Beyond a Palace, it is so big it drained chunks of the life force out

of the country...in fact the vast majority of his egomaniacal ideas just bled the people's will, energy, and resources,

to the point of his more or less self imposed execution. And this guy actually went to North Korea and was inspired to 

impose that non-democratic calamity on his own nation.


What a nut. Anyway, Romania seems to be booming now. 


On the five Leu bank note are musical notes by Enescu, who's work I wish I knew more of.


Let the music usurp the bitter litter.


Bitter Litter is my artist-persona's take on what money is. 


We should be bartering only in telepathic energy states and leprechaun stars.


Um...better go now..



29 December 2016


I want to know what is going to happen with Apollo house.

For anyone reading this who happens to live outside of Ireland, I really hope

this goes completely international.




there's a building named after an Olympic, its in Dublin, it was empty, now its full

with people who would otherwise be on the streets.


Thats it.


Now sit back and hope something beautiful happens, or sit forward, get involved,

and perhaps something beautiful or not beautiful will happen.


meddle the pedals?

medal the rebels?






27 December 2016


I'm in Ireland for the first time in about a year.

Just found, on our shelves,  "Human rights have no borders: voices of Irish poets", edited by Kenneth Morgan and Almut Sclepper, and published in 

1998 by Marino books. All money to Amnesty International.


This book is brilliant, and the few poems I have looked at so far are very inspiring. I opened it at random this morning and came across this gem:


"Although there are torturers in the world

there are also musicians".....


Michael Coady wrote that. Thank you Michael!


22 December 2016


I was just watching someone called Pat Condell on youtube..

he seems to be some kind of pseudo-intellectual, deeply racist,

and grossly misinformed lunatic.  People actually subscribe to this

nonsense, which I find deeply disturbing.

A million of my own people starved to death in the mid 1800's, partly due

to people that think the way he does. If you are someone vile enough to

subscribe to his drivel, I strongly suggest you stop and support someone or group of

people that live in the real world. I am shocked and dismayed that Richard Dawkins has

some kind of respect for such a babbling quack.







20 December 2016


Later, I have a small gig in cafe connections, with syrians and iranians.


We are doing happy birthday in four languages.


Ta Va lodet mo ba rak...


thats in iranian. very interesting.






Sadly, someone drove a truck into a christmas market last night (here in Berlin) , so far 12 reported dead, and many injured.


Pathetically, I used to live in Munich. On the way to Dachau Labour camp, on the train, before you arrive

at the Macdonalds (strategically located to pretend people are not profiting from the past), there is a 

large arms manufacturer.


I can't remember the name right now.


Of course, the media, and all governments, in the machine's infinite stupidity, will not dot to dot on the 

obvious link between unremembered weapons builder, labour camps, merkelian antique hobbling, enda kenny

kobbling, and infinite stupidity.


The media is ranting about "suspects"


We know who the suspects are: The west, in its on going violent way of dealing with east.

The east, in its on going violet way of dealing with the north. The north, in its on going viola 

way of dealing with the south.


And the south. 






19 December 2016


Inside the advent calendar was a chocolate tree this morning.

Chopped it in half

With teeth


The solstice is coming soon

and the goose is getting fat





actually I have a poem all about the solstice and am sorting it out to

put online



18 December 2016


I am learning Spanish at the moment. I had no idea the Pacific Ocean means "ocean of peace"

Pacific, pacifist.


There is enough peace for everybody, of course. It's a pity so many politicians cannot promote this fact.

The Pacific Ocean is absolutely vast, containing unquantifiable amounts of that sacred component, Water.


Unquantifiable amounts of sacred peace, for everyone.


Hast luego....yo quiero agua...






17 December 2016


made up a rhyme:


perfect fourth and perfect fifth

"so quiet beside the monolith "


the first line is sung, in the appropriate intervals, followed by the second line, which is whispered.


I will notate it in music form and use it to teach people.


The monolith (stanley kubrick 2001 style) is a brilliant way of teaching rests to people..

I have often just drawn the familiar rectangle oblong 2d chunk and whispered 1...2  or 1..2..3..4..

its mysterious and fun..often refugee kids think I'm a lunatic when I start babbling about

kubrick and musical rests...


I watched some amazing documentaries online from "collated learning"...the guy doing them has

a brilliant grasp of the mind of kubrick. So his documentary about 2001 was the main

idea for the monolith being a musical rest


I'm now trying to formulate songs etc for all the intervals

"minor third, its absurd..."


that sort of thing!




14 December 2016


Every rose, as they say, has its thorn.


I hugely respect Jose Antonio Abreu and Gustavo Dudamel.  

I don't respect Simon Bolivar, and I am too lazy to put a fada on the i, or anywhere else.


His love of violence was appalling...and he really, really loved committing acts of violence, including, of course, the unspeakable on men, women and children.

His "Decreto de Guerra a Muerte" is one of the more vile doctrines I have read.



So until Jose Antonio Abreu (I really am too lazy for leprachaun fada's, and have no interest in nationalism, obviously) acknowledges that naming orchestras, streets, and schools after such an obviously evil git is a very bad idea and needs to stop happening, I will keep shouting out loud from the roof tops on the sheer absurdity of the title " Simon Bolivar music foundation" or "Simon Bolivar orchestra"


Long live El Sistema....


12 December 2016


Brexit backwards is Tixerb. We need more Tixerb in the world.




11 December 2016


one idea that occured to me about a year ago was that a simple, informal and effective way of learning any language in  a year might be to learn just one new word per day for that year.







Friday 2 Dec 2016


Yesterday was great in the refugee centre in Reinickendorf. The building is enchanting, organic, brilliant: like a surreal cross between a xanitarium, hospice, school, army baracks (pacifist baracks), and dental hospital. I dont mean this in a derogatory way. I just mean it has an immediacy, a vitality, a blandness, as I wander its corridors.   It has a necessary function, it exists because all people are beautiful and need to be looked after. It is the opposite of the Brexit mentailty.

Taught guitar to people from Syria, Russia, Lebanon, Iraq. Guy from Eritrea didnt show up. Saw Ghaith from Syria again, its been a long time. Great guitarist. Told him to Make Those Kids Show Up on Time.


I really need to make a decent version of "We will rock you". That drum beat is universal and children react to it so strongly.  They were shouting it out loud. As always, I have to lay down the law there and impose structure on these kids...they need it.